Pdo threads

Pdo threads

Do you desire a younger, naturally looking, lifted appearance of the face, neck and brow without going under the knife? There’s a relatively new, minimally invasive option for lifting and tightening aging skin without surgery.

Threads Lifts is a FDA approved medical device indicated for subcutaneous dermal implantation for the correction of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds.

Create instant lift and luster with Thread’s superior lifting technology. This proven treatment is not only the ultimate in luxurious cosmetic pampering; it provides superior results for skin regeneration, lifting and firming.

Thread’s thread lift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure used for facelifts, neck lifts and brow lifts. FDA-approved Threads are thin, flexible, absorbable sutures inserted underneath the skin to rejuvenate sagging tissue into a higher, more youthful position that reflects your natural contour.

Threads Lifts are made of POLYDIOXANONE (PDO)

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Provides immediate lift to correct moderate to severe wrinkles and folds

  • Creates natural looking results that are proven to be long lasting

  • Allows patient the benefit of a minimally invasive, in-office treatment

Thread lifts are a convenient rejuvenation alternative that requires no general anesthesia, hospitalization or extended recovery period. Showing instant results, target specific treatments are indicated for many areas in both the face and body.

  • Provide instant lift to sagging skin without invasive surgery

  • Promote your body’s natural collagen and elastin production


  • Reduce the appearance of aging by erasing fine lines and wrinkles

  • Erase Nasolabial folds and Marionette lines that become visible with aging


  • Eliminate a sagging or double chin caused by gravity associated with aging

  • Give your knees, arms and buttocks their youthful shape again

Insertion of Threads Lift at the site of skin rashes, sores, acne or infection should be postponed until cleared. The most common complications after the initial treatment may include mild bruising or swelling, redness and some tenderness at the injection site. After placement patients may experience a minimalacute inflammatory tissue reaction. Symptoms mayinclude minor pain, swelling and bruising.

Material sensitivity / allergic reactions should be reported to Threads Lift. Implantation of foreign materials in tissue can result in histological reactions. Other potential side effects include sensory nerve injury, asymmetry or banding. 93% of patients treated showed improvement in fine lines and wrinkles.

Individual results may vary. Threads Lift medical device is available only through a licensed practitioner.
